Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Data to Big Data -- Cycle

Why and how the evolution of big data happened. To understand it, few things needs to be understood:

Data in Flat File

In the early age of computer science the data was stored in flat files. The concept of structure data was not there. Each organizations were managing their data in the flat file in their way of format. There was no possibilities of retrieving data efficiently.


A British computer scientist Edgar Frank Codd, invented the Relational model for database management, the theoretical basis for relational databases. He presented 12 rules for relational database. The relational database was promising land for all unstructured database users. The RDBMS improved the performance of data retrieval. There were many different vendors who started to build applications and tools to support relational database model.

Data Growth

There was a times to make the developer’s life much easier with the RDBMS management tools. The extreme popularity and easy to use, the system was storing large data in RDBMS system. The social media took the world by the storm. Every organizations was trying to provide the best experience to their users based on the data they had with them. At the same time data was growing pretty much.

Data Warehouse/ BI

The huge data growth now presented a big challenge for the organizations who wanted to build intelligent systems based on the data and provide near real time user experience to their customers. Various organizations immediately start building data warehousing solutions where the data was stored and processed. The trend of the business intelligence becomes the need of everyday.

Future Challenges

The organizations are expertise to manage structured data but the world had already changed to unstructured data. There was intelligence in the videos, photos, SMS, text, social media messages and various other data sources. All of these needed to now bring to a single platform and build a uniform system which does what businesses need. The need of the real time intelligence from the fast paced data flow is now becoming a necessity.

Large amount (Volume) of difference (Variety) of high speed data (Velocity) is the properties of the data. The traditional database system has limits to resolve the challenges of new kind of the data presents. Hence the need of the Big Data Science.

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